Capelo, A. (2013, June). Inovação de currículos em contexto de cooperação internacional: que conteúdos e práticas a priorizar nos novos manuais escolares de Timor-Leste. Paper presented at the 5º Colóquio Internacional Manuais Escolares – Manuais Escolares, E-Manuais e Investigação em Didática, Lisbon, Portugal.
Albergaria-Almeida, P., Marinho, M., & Cabrita, I. (2013, July). Analysing the impact of restructuring secondary education in East Timor. Paper presented at the Conferência Internacional Timor-Leste e Região – uma visão transdisciplinar, Aveiro, Portugal.
Capelo, A., & Albergaria-Almeida, P. (2013, October). Informal learning and gender in East-Timor. Paper presented at the ESREA Network on Gender and Adult Learning Conference: Private(s) world(s) – gender and informal learning of adults, Coimbra, Portugal.
Albergaria Almeida, P., Martinho, M., & Cabrita, I. (2013, October). Evaluating the impact of restructuring Secondary Education in East Timor. Paper presented at the 4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership, Barcelona, Spain.
Albergaria Almeida, P., & Martinho, M. (2014, February). The empowerment of education in East Timor through in-service teacher training. Paper presented at the 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences, La Valeta, Malta.
Cabrita, I. (2014, April). Monitoring and Restructuring of General Secondary Education in East Timor – the Voice of the Maths Teacher Trainer. Paper presented at the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Annual Conference, Leipzig, Germany.
Cabrita, I., Lucas, M., & Capelo, A. (2014, October). Maths in-service teacher training and the restructuring of secondary education in East-Timor. Paper presented at the 5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching & Educational Leadership, Prague, Czech Republic.
Capelo, A., Lucas, M., & Cabrita, I. (2014, October). Crossing boundaries: teacher trainers and science curriculum implementation in East Timor. Paper presented at the 5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching & Educational Leadership, Prague, Czech Republic.
Lucas, M., Cabrita, I., & Ferreira, A. (2014, October). Pathways to change: Improving the quality of Education in Timor-Leste. Paper presented at the 5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching & Educational Leadership, Prague, Czech Republic.
Cabrita, I. (2014, October). Implementar a reestruturação do Ensino Secundário Geral em Timor-Leste: construindo qualidade. Díli, East Timor.
Capelo, A., & Cabrita, I. (2014, December). Pluralismo de métodos em contexto de cooperação internacional: um estudo de avaliação da restruturação curricular do ensino secundário geral em Timor-Leste. Paper presented at An international debate on social science methodologies. What needs to be done?, Coimbra, Portugal.
Cabrita, I. (2015, May). Ressonâncias da formação de professores face aos desafios do currículo do Ensino Secundário Geral de Timor-Leste. Invited talk at the Colóquio Desafios curriculares e pedagógicos na formação de professores, Braga, Portugal.
Lucas, M., & Cabrita, I. (2015, May). What lies ahead? Restructuring Secondary Education in Timor-Leste. Poster presented at the Research Day 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.
Cabrita, I. (2015, July). Ensino Secundário Geral em Timor-Leste: um futuro de qualidade. Díli, East Timor.
Cabrita, I. (2015, July). Monitorização e Avaliação da implementação do Ensino Secundário Geral em Timor-Leste. Invited talk at the Dili Institute of Technology, Díli, East Timor.
Lucas, M., Cabrita, I., & Silva, L. (2015, July). Timorese general secondary mathematics curriculum: students’ perspectives on its implementation. Paper presented at the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia.
Cabrita, I., Lucas, M., & Silva, L. (2015, July). Teaching and learning mathematics: the voice of Timorese teachers and students. Poster presented at the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia.
Cabrita, I. (2015, October). Projeto Timor: desafios do Ensino Secundário Geral. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Capelo, A., & Cabrita, I. (2015, October). Cooperação internacional para a construção da qualidade educativa: avaliação a médio prazo da implementação da restruturação curricular do Ensino Secundário em Timor-Leste. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Ferreira, A., Cabrita, I., & Andrade, A. I. (2015, October). Secondary education in East Timor: Settings for curriculum development of Portuguese. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Morgado, M., & Breda, Z. (2015, October). The implementation of the new general secondary education curriculum in East Timor: The perspective of the Timorese students on curricular restructuring, learning and study habits. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Lucas, M., & Santos, C. (2015, October). The integration of ICT in the new Timorese General Secondary Curriculum. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Sá, P. (2015, October). Avaliação do impacte da Reestruturação Curricular do Ensino Secundário Geral em Timor-Leste: perceções dos alunos. Paper presented at the Encontro Projeto Timor, Aveiro, Portugal.
Ferreira, A., Cabrita, I., & Andrade, A. I. (2015, October). Echoes through Portuguese: teaching practices in Portuguese language curriculum development. Paper presented at the International Congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies, Granada, Spain.
Cabrita, I., & Lucas, M. (2015, October). Conceções e práticas em matemática no ensino secundário geral em Timor-Leste. Paper presented at the CiEMeLP 2015 – Conferência Internacional do Espaço Matemático em Língua Portuguesa – As múltiplas formas de fazer e comunicar a cultura matemática em língua portuguesa, Coimbra, Portugal.
Martins, I., Cabrita, I., & Ramos, A.M. (2016, January). Coordination of the Working Group Reform of Secondary Education in East-Timor: post-independence policies and the objectives of the millennium. Coordination at the Conference Comparative Education beyond the numbers: local contexts, national realities and transnational processes, Lisbon, Portugal.