book chapters

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Capelo, A. (2014). Integration of Education for Sustainable Development into Formal Secondary Curricula of East Timor. In K. D. Thomas, & H. E. Muga (Eds). Handbook of Research on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development (pp. 54-66). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.



livro minho


Cabrita, I., Capelo, A., & Ferreira, A. (2015). Ressonâncias da formação de professores face aos desafios do currículo do Ensino Secundário Geral de Timor-Leste. In M. A. Flores, M. A. Moreira, & L. R. Oliveira (Org.), Desafios curriculares e pedagógicos na formação de professores (pp. 75-90). Ramada: Edições Pedago.



Progress in Education Vol 34 978-1-63482-466-8


Lucas. M., & Cabrita, I. (2015). Impact Evaluation at the Convergence of Evidence Based Policy and Monitoring and Evaluation: A Study in Timor-Leste. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (vol. 34, pp. 53-69). Hauppauge, N.Y. USA: Nova Science Publishers.



Capelo, A., & Cabrita, I. (accepted). Science education practices in the framework of restructuring secondary school curriculum in East Timor. In Secondary Education: Perspectives, Global Issues and Challenges. Florida, US: Nova Publishers.